Nursing Care Plans

Asthma Nursing Care Plan

Asthma is, without a doubt, one of the many common diseases that plague both children and adults. This asthma nursing care plan will help nurses manage the patient well.

A respiratory disease, asthma, mainly involves the swelling or inflammation of the inner walls of the airway that carry air to and from the lungs. Due to the narrowed opening less air will be inhaled by the person and thus will succumb to a number of symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and dyspnea. There are a number of factors that can trigger or cause asthma and they can vary from allergens, drugs, exercise, stress, smoking, food additives and some other environmental factors.asthma relief

Here is a nursing care plan for a patient with asthma:


Subjective data:  Client verbalized, ”My chest feels tight. I can’t breathe well.”

Objective data:

  • Respiratory rate=35 cpm (tachypnea), with nasal flaring and use of accessory muscles.
  • Wheezing on inspiration and expiration; with crackles auscultated
  • Persistent productive cough
  •  exertion on inspiration and expiration

Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective airway clearance related to increased production of mucous secretions secondary to Asthma

Objectives: At the end of  the care the client will have improved airway clearance,  as evidenced by:

  • Verbalize absence of dyspnea and chest tightness
  • Respiratory rate near/ within normal range (16-20 cpm) without use of accessory muscles
  • wheezing/ other adventitious breath sounds clearing
  • Increased ability to move secretions upon coughing



  1. Assess vital signs most importantly respiratory rate, the depth and rhythm
  2. Assess by auscultating for presence of crackles and wheezes and its intensity etc.
  3. Assess for capillary refill, or take ABGs and O2 sat
  4. Elevate head of bed/ assist into a comfortable position
  5. Aid in performing abdominal and  pursed-lip breathing
  6. Advise increase fluid intake/ warm drinks


  1. Administer medications  per doctor’s order: Anticholinergic bronchodilators , Corticosteroids,  Leukotriene



  1. Serves as baseline of the current status
  2. Adventitious sounds will be evident in asthma a manifestation and validation of a narrowed airway and presence of secretions
  3. To provide a baseline for reassessment and note for any progression or decline of the disease
  4. To provide ease in breathing as this helps in lung expansion and expectoration of secretions
  5. Lessen air trapping and manage breathing difficulty
  6. High intake of fluids may help in thinning out secretions to eliminate easily
  7. Bronchodilators─  MOA: Relaxes constricted bronchial muscles that results to  dilated or open airways   Corticosteroid─  MOA:Reduce inflammation or swelling in asthmatic airways                                                                Leukotriene modifiers─  MOA:Anti-inflammatory

Evaluation: At the end of the care the goal of improved airway clearance was met, as evidenced by:

  • Client verbalized, “I can breathe again without any tightness on my chest.”
  • Respiratory rate of 2ocpm, effortless
  • No wheezing on auscultation
  • Coughing out secretions with ease



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